Monday, 17 May 2010

Man with cervical myelopathy treated using Cervios cage in Abuja

Case report:

A fifty two year old gentleman was referred with a recent history of progressive decline in neurological function. He described numbness in both hands, decrease in dexterity, and progressive weakness in both lower limbs. He was profoundly disabled with inability to care for himself. Bathel index evaluation was 10/100. He was now bed bound and fully dependent on his family for eating, drinking, and other social functions.

MRI scan shows significant myelomalacia centred behind the C3/C4 level. He had a thick layer of osteophytes and thickened ligament compressing the cord at this level.

He was offered urgent cervical decompression and underwent a C3/C4 anterior cervical discectomy and fusion using the Cervios cage with a Chrono insert. He made a good recovery and is currently undergoing physiotherapy.

This to my knowledge is the first time we will use the Cervios cage in Abuja. The kit (Synthes) was supplied by INFAX who have their head office in Lagos.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations for setting the pace. It is a shame that in this day and age people with such treatable conditions dont have more widespread access to such treatment in Nigeria. And how many have such treatable myelopathies and other conditions that are left to become permanently disabled?

    keep on the good work - Shuaib Dambatta


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