The leaders of the Nigerian Neurosurgical community that I know and have been in contact with are as listed below.
Professor Adeloye, Professor Arigbabu, Professor Shokunbi, Professor Ohaegbulam, Mr. Shehu, Malomo, etc etc.
However, there are without doubt many more practising all over the world: quietly contributing their quota in their local areas and internationally.
We need to start writing about the past, the present and the future of neurosurgery in Nigeria for posterity. This activity starts from a recognition of our elders, documentation of their contributions, and should lead to stimulating discussions and constructive engagement in documenting the history of Neurosurgery in Nigeria. There are now many more units in Nigeria and some are still in infancy. However, this is the time to start a chronicle of all the units and start collecting the names, pictures and record of achievements in each neurosurgical centre for the future. The young and the older neurosurgeons have a role to play. We are in a unique position to continue the excellent work done by our predecessors. We have to rise to the occasion and start another renaissance of Neurosurgery in Nigeria.
There are currently about 24 neurosurgeons practising in Nigeria and countless more working in other countries all over the world. What we need to do is link up and start real dialogue, social networking and educational programs to stimulate further development of Neurosurgery in Nigeria.
This I hope is a small beginning on this long long road.
Please email me details of Nigerian Neurosurgeons that you know so I can invite them to the blog. You can also invite them anyway and we can use this forum (restricted at the moment to neurosurgeons only) to communicate.
I will hopefully meet and document many more names as this blog develops.